With a singer whose voice is so angst-laden you'd believe him to have the worst drug-induced psychoses the world has ever seen, with guitars sounding like an even more flipped-out and messy Stooges, the Brainbombs are more than OK. 1985, being fed up with all crap music and kindness around us, we decided to masturbate our ears. I hear you're pretty big in Norway and in Canada, did you ever tour there?
Well, we went to Norway a couple of times, but we never went to Canada. I've no idea from where you got that. (Heh, a bit of a long-shot since you're on a Canadian label /Ed.) Brainbombs only played a few times in Sweden, how come? We're very lazy, but if there's enough money involved, we get our act together. What do you think about the Swedeish music scene? According to us, only two bands exist: Barinbombs and The Kristet Utseende. I've heard rumours that some members of the band refuse to have T-shirts printed, since that would be commercial. Where did you hear that? (Just ignore the question, my sources are trustworthy). Tell us a bit about your sideprojects. I (Lanchy) played the bass in Teenage Graves, a studio project that recorded a couple of demos around '89/'90, which are about to be released on single by Stockholm-based Freak Scene. Other bands we play in are Två för få, Spermasystrarna, Totalitär, Satan kicks ass, Gaskammar kören, Igor & teologerna, Dödshjälp, Engürdetz, Fruit pie, Brown eye, Black velvet, Artificial suicide, to name a few. Apparently there's a new album out on a Gothenburg label. Tell us some more about the record and the label. The record (Obey /Ed.) is our best one to date, unfortunately the label (Releasing Eskimo & Slow Dance /Ed.) took some liberties regarding the cover, which also happened to us before, with the Burning Hell CD release. The idea was for it not to feature any printing whatsoever on the cover, which they ignored. Also, the layout is toatlly off, compared to our directions. We hate them, and want them to die. Is there anything else happening, or anything you'd like to add? We have the ultimate single in the works. It'll be released when you least expect it. Maybe this year, maybe in five years' time. Mille |