7" - Ken Rock, 2004

"Stigma of the Ripper"-sjuan blev inte det sista från Brainbombs. Synd på ett sätt eftersom det var en snygg avslutning. Nåväl, det första som märks på återkomsten "The Grinder" är att omslaget är mer arty än vanligt. Visserligen är motivet en räcka verktyg, prydligt uppradade, men bilden är mot en svart bakgrund. Baksidan är än proprare med bara låttitlarna i vitt på svart, det påminner lite vagt om utseendet på Whitehouses senare utgåvor. Kalla mig konservativ men jag föredrar bilder från "Veckans Brott" och en mer fotokopierad estetik.

Musiken då, de två spåren "The Grinder" och "Mommy Said" är tyvärr mediokra. Det som gör Brainbombs så bra är tre beståndsdelar: riffen, trumpeten och sången. På "The Grinder" är både trumpet och sång väldigt lågt mixade, musiken består mest av väldigt distat malande. Bra riff, men den svajiga sången och de obehagliga texterna saknas verkligen. Dessutom behövs lite dissonant trumpet för att skapa det unika soundet. Det här släppet kan ses som ett mellanspel men ni bör ändå skynda er att beställa, det finns en begränsad mängd exemplar av singeln i paket med patch och knappar.

/ Johan

(Fat Bankroll)

Brainbombs - The Grinder/Mommy Said 7" (Kenrock)

Latest release by this bunch of Swedish fuck-heads and a brilliant motherfucking one too! Things have been quiet around this band for a while. Maybe they've been on rehab. If they have I'm glad to make it official: they are back and they are more drugged and fucked up than ever. This is like the glory days of the "Burning Hell 7" from Big Ball Records way back in the 90s only more brutal sound. Fuck this is loud! The dog is howls, the neighbours are complaining and the baby's screaming…but it won't help him cuz my wife likes this shit too. That's why I married her as far as I can remember…that and her firm, round butt. I've been with these guys since the Cold Meat Industry 7" from way back over the incredible "I fucked Anne Frank", "Jack the Ripper Lover" and "Burning Hell" 7"s to the three albums - of which the third and best "Obey!" was put out on vinyl a few years back. Oh, I forgot to mention their totally rocking in-you-face live 7" recorded in Oslo and put out by Big Ball (again!). One track here is a genuine riff monster and the other is a quirky "Raw Power" gone really wrong style "ballad". This is very likely to be the best shit you're ever gonna get your hands on…and it's cheap too. Thank God for Kenrock…and the Brainbombs!


Brainbombs "The Grinder" 7"
Disturbed initiates already know what to expect from the 'bombs: Heavy, psychotic, repetitive dirges that paint lucid images of murder, kill, fuck, die, rape, pillage, cannibalize, scourge, consume, destroy, ream, stab, bludgeon, eat at Joe's, curb job, decapitate, toilet paper pussy, and so on. Fun-time stuff. Musically, though, there’s a demento-flavored Stooges sorta groove (w/ occasional sax) that swings in a few different directions. If you're a sick fuck, you'll love it; likewise, if you're somewhat sane, dig repetitive two-ton drone and can overlook or laugh at the obvious sick fuckery contained therein, it'll grab your ear. Just make sure to hide the knives. (EL) Longstanding foreign pig fuckers ooze out a new shorty. Basically, this (like just about everything they do) is hostile, extended drone-riff hypnotony. Not as pointed as their best logs, but a nice descent into hate & despiration. They really don't make music quite like this anymore. Now I'm just waiting for Kilslug and Drunks With Guns to hit the beat again. (TK)
(Ken Rock Records //

(Terminal Boredom)

BRAINBOMBS "The Grinder" (Ken Rock 7in) Put these two songs on repeat and you have the soundtrack of driving to a meth lab tucked away up north somewhere. We ride at dawn motherfuckers! (Ken Rock) wkm

(Smashin' Transistors)

The Grinder / Mommy Said 7”
Sweden’s most notoriuos noisemakers. I thought they had given up on music but here they are again. Two grinding noisefests in a vein similar to the Action Swingers, Scientist and Chrome Cranks. I’ve never been a big fan and this single won’t run me into one either, but it’s definitely pretty cool shit and I can totally see why people into this kinda noise like ‘em so much. (Thomas)
Ken Rock Records



Ken Rock is always full of surprises. I really don't know how to describe Brainbombs. Shortly it's trash punk with free jazz influence. They have sax and sound a bit like Stooges and German kraut rock bands or Velvet Underground on White Light White Heat. You have to give them few spins, but it's pretty cool. I only can't figure out what is side A and what side B.

(No Brains Zine)

BRAINBOMBS The Grinder / Mommy Said (Kenroc) 7"

Holy fuck! The return of the Brainbombs! We thought they were dead and gone, but thank the gods of misanthropic sludge, these Swedish masters of the vile, ultra-violent, vicious, grungy garage-sludge-jazz dirge have returned. Two short blasts of Stooges-ish fuzzed out and filthy garage rock, filtered through the misanthropic lyrical lens of Whitehouse and the sludgy sieve of the Melvins. Or something like that. Who cares? You know the Brainbombs rule and you know you need this record and you know we should be on our knees begging for mercy at the feet of one of the best bands ever!

(Aquarius Records)